The Best Gift That I Gaved

    The best present that I gave to  someone for past christmas was a game.  It was christmas morning  and I got up to  wake my sister.  It turns out she was already on the sofa with grandma and dad sitting by her.  I walked into the living room and picked up the gift  and handed it to her.  As she rips it open, she looks surprise. When she done opening the present, she started playing it before I had time to  react to  what just happened.   That was the most confusing day of my life.


5 grade reflections

5th grade was over all good there hardly problems

we went to lsu a few times we also had mr.mac and mrs.laboo
am not saying all teachers are bad mr.o and mrs.bantly was good teachers  am sad to say that am going to 6 grade next year and mr.o is leaving witch is sad